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Agricultural Commission Minutes 02-21-12
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 21 February, 2012
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Richard Pelletier 779-5521 Term Exp 6/30/2013
Eric Schartner 779-0212 Term Exp 6/30/2013
Robyn Roberts 875-2273 Term Exp 6/30/2014

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on 21 February, 2012 at Town Hall. The meeting
was called to order at 7:38 pm. Commission members in attendance: Betsy Taylor-Kennedy, Barbara Parente,
Richard Pelletier, Robyn Roberts. Absent: Eric Schartner
The January 2012 minutes were approved and submitted

Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions

Board of Health (Roberts) No Report
· Planning Board (Schartner) Absent
· Board of Selectmen (Parente): No Report
· Conservation Commission (Pelletier): No Report
· Conservation Trust (Taylor-Kennedy): The Town has received a grant of $96K from the State
Division of Conservation Resources toward the purchase of the Weatherbee property.

Complaints/Requests for Site Visits

Coolidge/Kashuba: No formal complaint letter has been received yet.



New Business

Annual Report: Barbara prepared and submitted the AgCom’s Annual Report to the town.

The Neighborhood: Barbara attended a planning meeting for a new BATCO TV program initiated by
Bolton Local. Called “The Neighborhood,” it could be a good venue for promoting Ag businesses.

Old Business

Membership Farm Bureau Federation: Robyn still has not received any information regarding the
status of our membership.
Spring Agricultural Sale: Possible dates are April 1 or the last weekend in April. Barbara has
contacted all of last year’s participants. Possibility to extend invitation to Berlin Ag businesses.
Annual Farmers Meeting: Rich reported that Bolton Spring Farms cannot host the event; it may be
held at the Winery. Rich will contact Brad Mitchell to be that speaker and put together a date and an
agenda for the meeting.
Emergency Management: Robyn and Sue plan to meet in the Spring.
Wayfinding Grant: Rich will contact the Town Planner about the status of the signs.
AgCom Website: Rich reported that he has obtained administrative access to the website from Joe
Kovacs. Barbara has some agricultural themed photos left over from the brochure that she will share.

Future Meetings/Events
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall
· Bolton Farmers’ Meeting: TBD
· Spring Ag Sale: TBD
· Taste of Bolton: TBD 2012
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.